Hi everyone

Knowledge talks, wisdom listens.
Only the wisest and the stupidest of men never change.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Making a Video game.. Is it possible...?

I'm trying to do something new . A GAME... Wow... just want something to happen.. Its difficult to do stuff by your own without guidance... Anyone there who can guide me to make a game... Hellooooooooo:-( no one... as usual I have to learn by myself.. Thank GOD , Internet saved me.. loads and loads of reference... Finally I thought Unity Engine would be a start to make a small game...Working on it.. Feels good.. Hope to post my first game on my site... :-).. I am happy... Found a book which was to perfect guide to start on. I am really happy with the author Ryan Henson Creighton. Beautiful way of showing things with his sarcastic comments . Cool !! .Please check this book.. Its really helpful...
So.. please keep refreshing my webpage... A game coming soon......

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